Why is the Komiks called Haru Haru?

Haru Haru is ambiguos terminology for the description of the komiks in general.

Haru Haru came from the word Halu Halo which is a Philippine summer cooler. Literally meaning Mix or mix mix.
What we want to project is that the komiks is a collection of different komiks styles from manga to western to
the original pinoy style of drawing.

The letter "L" was replaced by the letter "R" to make it sound more like a japanese word, hence the brand association with the manga style. Branding the komiks as local manga would make it more appealing to the current

The name is pronounced twice to make it sound playful.

Haru is defined as the "spring" season in japanese. Spring suggests freshness, growth and blooming. Halu halo on the other hand is sweet, refreshing and tasty.

Haru Haru Komiks is local brand that combines the multiple styles, while maintaining its appeal to the general public. We aim to refresh the image of local pinoy komiks that would be that platform for the next generation of komik artists.

Officer-In-Charge : Janice "Jaja" Sabeniano
Assistant OIC:  
  • Ayii Bolo
  • Shayne Inocencio 
  • Wajie Gamurot
  • Rei Ignacio
Haru Haru Komiks is the official publication of Otaku U Rule